
The editorial team of the Artograph comprises like-minded professionals who work together from different parts of the world. A bunch of people with multitudinous interests, what keeps them united is the undeterred passion for arts. Having made a mark of their own in respective careers, each member works voluntarily for the cause - art for people's sake. They donate their precious time spared from daily routines and regular jobs to engage in lively interactions, right from the selection of topics to correcting the factual errors in narratives. Editorial discussions happen mainly through Workplace (an enterprise connectivity platform developed by Facebook, Inc.) and e-mails. The editorial board has six members at present.

Chief Editor

Hareesh N. Nampoothiri

(AG 0101 - )

MRA A171, Elluvila Lane, Kallampally, Medical College Post, T'puram, Kerala, India - 695 011

Hareesh N. Nampoothiri is a design and media consultant by profession, an art lover by obsession, and an author, writer, publisher, photographer, editor, lyricist, and director by passion. He completed a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Kerala in an interdisciplinary topic between faculties of applied science and arts. During the last span of fifteen years, he has authored three books in the native language Malayalam, the last one being a title on digital photography published by State Institute of Languages, Govt. of Kerala. He writes both in English and Malayalam and is a regular columnist on arts, photography, technology, and film in different print and online media. Debuted as a director in ‘Thouryathrikam’ - a documentary film on Kathakali, and afterwards, he has directed and edited a handful of educational and informatory videos for IGNOU, University of Kerala, and for the Kutiyattam Kendra of Sangeet Natak Akademi. He has participated in photography exhibitions held nationwide and got featured in national dailies including The Hindu and Deccan Chronicle.

Associate Editor

Priyanka B.

(AG 0104 - )

Priyam, KPNRA 156, Kanjirampara Post, T'puram, Kerala, India - 695 030

Having completed her graduation and post-graduation in English language and literature both with gold medals from Indira Gandhi National Open University, Priyanka B. has proved her mettle as a dance photographer and art writer. Starting with macro photography, this amateur shutterbug's interest in the vocation made her explore different genres of photography. Currently working as Postal Assistant with the Department of Posts, this art lover regularly attends cultural events happening in her home town Thiruvananthapuram. With a few short stories and poems to her credit in native language Malayalam, she aspires to become a creative writer.

Editorial Members

Meera Sreenarayanan

(AG 0101 -

A dynamic young Bharatanatyam artist from Guruvayur (Kerala), Meera Sreenrayanan began to follow her dreams as a Bharatanatyam performer at the age of twelve. After initial training, she moved her base to Chennai, where she is now exploring art and abhinaya under the able mentorship of guru Indira Kadambi. Meera completed her post-graduation in Bharatanatyam at The University of Madras along with a diploma in Nrithyasastra from Nalanda Dance Research Centre, University of Mumbai. She is a graded artist in Doordarshan and also a recipient of the Young Talent Scholarship from the Ministry of Culture. Many performances and awards are also there to her credit. In academics, Meera has also completed post-graduation in Physics with a Gold medal from Women’s Christian College, Chennai.

Navya Raj

(AG 0101 -

A PhD holder in Bioinformatics from the Department of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Kerala, Navya is an ardent art lover who carries her artistic zeal along with science. She is both a theatre/television actor and singer with a great interest in scholarly writing. Navya, who currently works as an Assistant professor at the College of Health Sciences, Saudi Electronic University, is actively involved in coordinating programs incorporating the Malayalam community there.

Sneha Sasikumar

(AG 0205 -

Sneha Sasikumar is an accomplished Kuchipudi artist, choreographer, and research scholar from Hyderabad, currently doing her doctoral studies at the University of Hyderabad. She is an associate member of American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) qualified as an Assistant Professor and a Junior Research Fellow (JRF-UGC) for doctoral studies at the Department of Dance, University of Hyderabad, under the guidance of Aruna Bhikshu. A post-graduate in Performing Arts, Sneha is an empanelled artist at SPICMACAY and a graded artist at Chennai Doordarshan. After finishing her course on 'Healing with the Arts' at the University of Florida, she has been taking special lectures at many universities in India on 'Dance Movement Therapy' and participated as a guest speaker in different UGC sponsored National Seminars in India. She also has two international publications to her credit.

Vani Sankar

(AG 0101, AG 0105 - )

Having acquired a Masters in Social Work from Loyola College of Social Sciences, T'puram, she has worked in a social welfare project for a couple of years in Kerala before shifting to London. A passionate lover of arts, this occasional writer is currently a Child and Family Safeguarding Social Professional at Children's services in the London Borough of Brent.

Previous Members

Sethunath Unnikrishnan Nair

(AG 0102 - AG 0205)

Hailing from Alappuzha in Kerala, Sethunath U. started learning Kathakali at the age of four. He has mastered the art form for nearly a decade and a half. In 2010, he created the Kathakali Facebook group, and over the years, it has become the primary platform for online promotion and appreciation of the art form. Despite his career as a techie, this MBA holder actively pursues Kathakali through online interactions and lecture demonstrations. He is also an avid netizen who writes on socio-political issues through social media platforms. The former Vice President and Head of Cloud Services in IBS Software Services Ltd., he currently runs Mavis Dx Consultants, an IT consulting business firm founded by himself.

Sruthi Mohan

(AG 0101 - AG 0104)

Sruthi Mohan is an accomplished dancer, passionately involved in the promotion of Bharatanatyam and Mohiniyattam in the United States since 2001. Currently based in Texas, Austin, she founded 'Tat Tvam Asi' to promote and propagate art. The organization produces and hosts programs involving prominent classical dancers from India. As the Cultural Committee Chair of the Austin Hindu Temple, she has been instrumental in organizing various cultural outreach initiatives. ‘Kalarchana Seva Program’ and ‘AHT Concert Series’ among them, aims to showcase the spiritual beauty of Indian classical arts.

Bivin Lal

(AG 0101 - AG 0103)

Bivin Lal is an accomplished photographer, and a magician, who holds a URF world record for the creation of first-ever matchstick video with exact motion. A government employee by profession and guest faculty at Magic Academy, T'puram, he had featured his photographs in 'Art and Alchemy' - an exhibition organized by the Soorya foundation to celebrate 177 years of photography.